
In the heart of the city Leiden, our design for Maretower fits right in the rich tradition of textured and tactile buildings of Leiden. In close proximity to the train station and the city's historical center the tower offers stunning views over Leiden.  It's internal public street will be the new connection between the metropolitan and congested Schipholweg and the small scale of the adjacent neighborhood  Marebuurt. Stacking down as a layer cake with lush green for the local flora and fauna, paired with outdoor green space for residents with breathtaking views of the city, Tower 101 communicates on a city scale as well as on a neighborhood scale. 

Render of the the Maretoren in Leiden, Netherlands

Conceptmodel massing

Project :  Tower 101
Location : Leiden, Netherlands
Program : Housing, offices, public green.
Size: 25.000 m2
Client : Urban Development Partners B.V., Citystone group
Status :  In progress (2022-current), pending for approval
Design team : MatterMakers in collaboration with A-W-R, 
INBO, Dijk&co Landschapsarchitectuur. 
Collaborators: Municipality of Leiden 
The design of the façade is inspired by minimalist artist Jan Schoonhoven, known for his papier-maché reliefs. Although the inspiration is from a minimalist, the execution of the design of the façade panels have a lot of dept and 3 dimensionality. The façade blocks will be made from recycled waste mixed in concrete and are designed to last for more than 100 years. The color of the façade is inspired by the color and richness of sandstone blocks and relate to the historical colors or Leiden. By stacking the façade blocks in an alternating rhythm the tower is 'dancing' from a distance and avoids being as straight forward and boring as the grid of the tower requires to be for its functionality. 

Relief work of Jan Schoonhoven (b. 1914, Delft, The Netherlands, d. 1994, Delft)

Rooftop garden impression. 

View from Schipholweg
View from Schipholweg
Massing model
Massing model

Artist impression from Marebuurt

The program of the tower is giving a new programmatic  balance for the now monofunctional Schipholweg. On the ground floor there will be art studios, a restaurant, a gym and an entrance lobby on top of the basement parking. Floor 2 and 3 will be commercial with a open office floor plan. Going further up there is space for affordable housing with gardens, mid income apartments and all the way in the top high end apartments with stunning views to the surrounding and the historic city center. 
The tower is designed with lots of sustainability measures in mind categorized in materials, energy, social and water, flora and fauna. Each category aims to make the building more future proof and a long lasting development that is embedded in the city fabric in a sustainable way and built in a responsible manner.
Material sustainability strategy
Material sustainability strategy
Energy sustainability strategy
Energy sustainability strategy
Social sustainability strategy
Social sustainability strategy
Water, Flora and fauna sustainability strategy
Water, Flora and fauna sustainability strategy